Sunday, January 23, 2011

First game night of the year!

My last post was about opening our home to friends and family and just enjoying the time with loved ones. That is one resolution I can handle this year! Although there were many things that went wrong last night...babies were sick, friends cancelled at the last minute due to illness (boo), car broke down, and so forth...the night was so much fun!

We had dinner, talked, laughed and played games!!! So much fun! I'm sorry I didn't take pictures but with all the unplanned surprises---it just wasn't priority.

All in all...great night!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

GREAT IDEA...stollen from a friend

A fellow blogger and friend has this great tradition that she does with her family and I'm totally stealing it!

Every new year...they take all the photo Christmas Cards they get and select one family to pray over for a week. What a terrific way to enjoy the cards all year round! This year, they decided to take it one step further and select one family a month (at random) to invite over for dinner and dessert. WHAT A FANTASTIC IDEA! I love love love to have people over --so this is a social bug's dream! Since the hubby's schedule is limited and January is half over (Is that craziness or what???---it's already half over!). I will begin this tradition in February. I also already have some friends coming over the following weekend, who sent me a Christmas card, so techincally we are starting in January.

Those friends/family who do not live in the area will not be left out. They will get a special something in the mail.

Thank you, Michelle, for a wonderful idea. This excites me beyond belief!

Oh just for the record...I can't promise fancy stuff to eat...but it really isn't about the food is it? Crock pot here we come!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sweet Charlotte or Miss Attitude--which is it today?

Happy New Year friends!
I hope your 2011 is off to a good start. The Isai's enjoyed a busy but wonderful Christmas and New Year and now we are excited to face the new year and all it's surprises along the way.

My blog title today shares a little of what I endure DAILY with my daughter. Yes, I love her, yes...she cracks me up all the time...but let me create a picture of what last night was like and then what this morning was like.

Last night...
Charlotte: "Mommy, I love you. I hold you (meaning...please hold me)." Then we snuggled and giggled practically all night. When it was time for bed--she cried a little--but didn't really put up a fight.

This morning...
Mommy: "Good Morning, honey."
Charlotte: "Good Morning, mommy!"
Mommy: "Time to get up!"
Charlotte: "Mama! Relax!"
Mommy: (Head about to burst, steam coming out of my ears!)-"Charlotte, do not speak that way to me. You need to be respectful!"

The rest is a blur expect for it took me too too long to get her and Griffin ready because of all the resistance going on. Oh that girl. I could understand the attitude if I woke her up before she was ready, but trust me...she was the one that woke me up---so if anyone should be giving attitude. It's ME!

Why can't all morning be like the other day, when I opened her blinds and as she was squinting she says, "'s soooo blight. I need my sunglasses!"