Saturday, February 16, 2008

Only 11 more weeks to go...

I can't believe it---we have less than three months until your arrival. Let me tell you how mommy feels about that. I'm terrified. Just today, I experienced what I can only describe as my body preparing itself for D-Day. I feel like my bones are being stretched apart. There is absolutely nothing I can do to get comfy these days and frankly that scares me. If I'm uncomfortable now...I can't even begin to imagine how uncomfortable my hospital visit and all that goes with it is going to be. I don't even want to think about it. I told your Daddy---I don't think I can do this and he laughed. I guess it is funny to say something like that when there is really nothing we can do about it now. Don't get me wrong...I can't wait to have you here with us but it doesn't change the fact that I'm getting really nervous. Not just about D-day but about being a mom. Another weird thing I did today was practice discipling you in Romanian! What is that all about? But getting a lecture really does sound better in Romanian if you ask me. Well, I guess that's enough panic talk for now...Just for the record Daddy wants me to add that the still an innie...SCORE!


johnsonandjohnson said...

I can honestly say that I was pretty nervous and scared about "d-day," but once it all started happening adrenaline kicks in and you are just ready for it. Are you going to use epidural? I HIGHLY encourage it!

Linda said...

Would you go get your wisdom teeth pulled without Novacaine??? Yes, I want the epidural!

johnsonandjohnson said...

that's funny---that is exactly what my nurse said! you will love the epidural!