Monday, May 5, 2008

One week old

Today Charlotte turns 1 week old! She's growing up sooo fast! My first week as a mom has been absolutely wonderful. I can't begin to describe the feelings that I've experienced this past week. I've been super excited, happy, energetic, confident, and BLESSED---extremely BLESSED!!! Raresh and I could stare at her for hours and we kind of do. We are very fortunate to have a very low maintenance baby---she's not fussy or difficult. She's actually quite the little communicator---(she gets that from me of course)---she already knows how to let me know what she needs--once she gets it--she's quiet and peaceful again. Thank you God! Raresh has also been amazing. He's been helping around the house, cooking, cleaning, and waking up with me to offer support and conversation in the middle of the night. I don't think I would be doing as good as I am if it were not for him and his company. He's been so reassuring and encouraging. (Thank you sweetie---you make me want to get pregnant all over again!---well not quite yet---but I'm definitely sold for baby 2).
Being a mom to Charlotte and wife to Raresh has been the best two jobs in my entire life!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I am so happy that you are so happy! The three of you make a wonderful family!

Charlotte has no idea how blessed she is!!