Riding in style with Daddy.
We also spent some time with Buna Susy, Ezra, and Addisen. It is so fun to play with Ezra. He's such a smart kiddo. We played the hot and cold game for a good 45 minutes. For those of you who are living in a cave and have never played the hot/cold game---this is how it goes. You take an object (in this case it was a tiny red car) and one of you hides it. The other person has to try and find it by your clues of yelling, "hot or cold". The best part was how creative Ezra got in hiding the car and then of course his clues. "You're boiling...boiling and...You're so frozen!" I loved it. That kept him entertained for a long time---while Charlie and Addie spent time with Grandma.