Monday, March 22, 2010

Easter Eggstravaganza

This weekend was jam packed with all kinds of things.

On Friday, I had a doctor's appointment. While I was inside, Daddy and Charlotte were killing time in the waiting room. I get this text from Raresh.
"Our little bookworm"

Saturday, we spent the morning at Auntie Rachel's house and then off to celebrate a 75th birthday with Charlotte's surrogate Grandpa--Gochi. I was too busy to take photos of the kids. They were all there and it was chaos. Charlotte played with her cousins, ran from the dog, ran after chickens, jumped on the trampoline, swung on the swings and missed her nap. I got a total of 2 pictures of her.

One with Tiki--

The other one I got of her on the car ride home. We were not even on the road for 5 minutes...Sunday, we went to church and after church we had the Annual Egg-stravaganza Egg hunt and picnic. Here are a few shots of Charlotte in her adorable sailor outfit that my in-laws bought her. She had such a fun time. I did have one moment of panic when I watched the boys interact--boys were literally running into each other and knocking each other down and then they would just pop right back up and move on. Oh how tired I feel all of a sudden thinking of boys. My world is sooooo gonna change! My Sunday concluded with a nice nap (we all took a nap), a trip to the hair salon--not liking the do---but I'll survive. It's cute---BUT WAY too short and it will be so much more work than what I want right now. Stupid young hip stylist...when I say...I need a low maintenance cut---that means...give me a hairdo I can pull back in a ponytail---not what I got. I can't upload the darn just trust me okay!
Then we stopped at the park and my sweet hubby set up a faux spa for me. I did my own toes and fingers but he hooked me up with all my supplies and then cleaned up afterward. After my pampering, we curled up and watched 2 movies complete with snacks. It was a perfect ending to a perfect weekend.
Life is good... very very good!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

For Charlotte...

I'm a little tired of the "it's mine business" and the stubborn streak I see in you. The last 2 weeks you have been very adamant about saying "it's mine!", "No!", and you don't like to say I'm sorry for any of your actions.

This is a reminder for me that we all have sin in our heart and so I pray for wisdom on how to make you aware of the sin of disobedience. I still love you---and I always will---But seriously---I'm over it.

You still crack me up though...

I love little stinker!

For my son...

Mommy is plugging along. She's doing okay---BUT oh how I wish I had daddy home more evenings to help. I'm so tired. I'm out by 8pm EVERY night. Isn't second trimester when you start to get your energy back? Oh boy...I'm in some serious trouble. I also feel a little guilty at my lack of enthusiasm about this pregnancy. I'm sorry little guy--it has nothing to do with you. I'm thrilled to have a son. I'm thrilled to think of how absolutely adorable you will be--but I'm just drained. So sweet little boy, forgive mommy. I promise when you arrive, you'll have all the attention and excitement you deserve.

I love you.

Monday, March 8, 2010

ABC's and 123's

I just can't believe how much a kid learns at this age. Charlotte is very interested in books, repeating things, watching things and you can just see her mind working over time to capture all there is to learn. I love it. Raresh and I are so amazed at her ability to retain information. Here is our little pumpkin at 22 months.

Here are some videos:

When I think of how she'll be so helpful with her little brother--it brings joy to my heart. I pray the Lord gives me the strength and wisdom to teach my children in the ways they should go. I want their active minds and hearts to know the most important thing...JESUS. If I get that right...I'll know I've fulfilled my duty for Christ. Oh...such work...such responsibility....but oh so worth it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mommy and baby brother --19 weeks

Hi little baby boy---Sorry we don't have your name picked out yet.

Here is what mommy looks like at 19 weeks. I really feel your sweet little flutters now. It's crazy to think I'm almost at the halfway mark. I'm feeling pretty good. No more sicky poo feelings lately---BUT STILL SOOOOO TIRED! My bed time is literally 8pm. But all in all...I'm good and so excited to finally hold you. I really wish your daddy would be home more but he's very busy with work and school. He's such a hard worker. Here is a picture of me and your big sister. She's not in the mood to take many photos these days but I tried.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Your daddy is... simply put...AWESOME!

My mother-in-law bought Charlotte a little gray fleece vest from Old Navy back when she was about 9 months old. Let me take a moment and paint a picture for you all---

Vests are a big deal to most Romanian grandparents and this is why...

A child can easily wear it over his or her clothes and this will ensure that the child won't feel a draft on their lower back. You think I'm kidding???I am not. My mom wears one often and she loves when I sport my adorable and trendy vest. When I drop off my little sweet pea in the morning, the first thing my mom and my mother-in-law do is put on her vest. This vest is a staple in her baby bag. I never leave home without it (per the grandmothers requests) As I mentioned before, she's had this little puppy for months and is still able to wear it because it's a size 18 months.

Well tragedy struck 2 weeks ago when the precious little gray fleece vest got a busted zipper. Charlotte doesn't mind appeasing the grandma's and wearing her little vest ---but like any kid she won't keep it on if it isn't zipped and since the zipper was broken the vest wasn't worn as it was in it's hay day.

So this weekend...I went to my sweet little nephew's second birthday party with Charlie bug and daddy stayed home resting before he had to leave for work. When I arrived home after the party (Raresh was long gone) I noticed her little gray fleece vest on the table complete with brand spanking new SNAPS attached in the place of where the zipper was.

I literally laughed out loud at the amazing, talented, creative hubby that I have. We can add this little number to the many many things he's created for me. (The nursing bra---a CLASSIC, the shawl, the remote holder on my eliptical machine, adding many many tags to Charlotte's favorite blankie and now the little gray vest).

That vest will forever be treasured and never given away. Oh Charlotte...the things your daddy does for you and me to show us how much he loves us. And to my precious little boy...I just can't wait until you meet your dad. He's going to teach you so many wonderful things and he'll be such a perfect example for you in the hubby and daddy department.

How can I not want more kids with this man?