Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mommy misses her wedding ring.

I miss my wedding ring. It is so beautiful and it carries so many wonderful memories with it. Unfortunately, mommy's fingers are getting a little too swollen for the lovely ring daddy game me on April 27, 2002 (one of the best days of my life). So for now I've put the ring away in safe place until you arrive. I can't wait to put it back on. Only about 9 more weeks and then I'll get to see the sparkle in your eyes and the sparkle in the ring. Can't wait!

Daddy painted mommy's toenails...

I'm sure Daddy will be very upset that I'm writing about the pedicure he gave me but the story is just too cute! The other night I busted out some sandals that are still wearable and I noticed mommy's toe nails needed new polish and bad. I'm normally so good about that stuff but with trying to save money and getting very tired and winded I haven't had the desire to polish my toenails. So I ask your dad if he would be interested in helping me out (figuring he'd be like---no way). Much to mommy's surprise--he said, "Okay." So I get as comfy as I can and he gets one cotton ball and soaks it in nail polish remover and gets to work. (Notice I said--one cotton ball--I had to tell him it's okay to use more than one!) I also notice that he doesn't seem to be enjoying himself so I try and lighten up the mood by telling him that this doesn't feel like a salon experience. So what does my very funny hubby do? He busts out the best nail lady impression I've ever heard from a man. "Why your nail like dat?!?" "Put foot hea!" "Pick colo" (you get the idea) I was cracking up! We settle back down and after he finishes the removal of old nail polish he asks what color I would like (without the funny accent--that didn't last long)...needless to say I'm glad I chose a light color because his polishing skills are not quite where they should be. I couldn't help but giggle at the method he chose to get this little task done. If you can picture someone sponge painting a wall---you're picturing what he was doing. Instead of taking the brush and stroking the nail from the bottom to the tip of the nail he was dabbing at my nail in all directions. (Bless his little heart!) So--I have spared you the picture of my toes because all in all they don't look half bad--considering his method and really--who wants a close up picture of feet? (even feet as cute as mine!) Well, that's just one more example of how helpful daddy is throughout this whole adventure. Thank you honey for your attempt at a pedicure---Practice makes perfect!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Daddy's thoughts via mommy's writing---

The other night your daddy shared some thoughts with me about how he's feeling about your arrival. I thought you would like to know what he's been thinking. At first he mentioned how he can't wait to smell you. (That baby smell--not the poo poo smell is so intoxicating!). A few nights later he mentioned that he can't wait to be on the couch watching his History Channel with you asleep on his chest. (I practically melted--I can just picture it!). Then the most surprising thought he shared with me was that he dreads the day you say you hate him because you don't get your way. We both know it's inevitable that you will one day be angry with us or with our decisions but just know this; We love you so much and want to protect you. The Lord entrusted us with such a huge responsibility and blessing and we just want to raise you in such a way that would please God. Hopefully one day you'll understand that! As for your awesome daddy, I know you two will be very close. You will just love him! He's so smart, very creative, funny, and works so hard to make mommy happy. Although---this picture doesn't really look like it does it?? (Note for mommy---take more pictures of daddy!)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Only 11 more weeks to go...

I can't believe it---we have less than three months until your arrival. Let me tell you how mommy feels about that. I'm terrified. Just today, I experienced what I can only describe as my body preparing itself for D-Day. I feel like my bones are being stretched apart. There is absolutely nothing I can do to get comfy these days and frankly that scares me. If I'm uncomfortable now...I can't even begin to imagine how uncomfortable my hospital visit and all that goes with it is going to be. I don't even want to think about it. I told your Daddy---I don't think I can do this and he laughed. I guess it is funny to say something like that when there is really nothing we can do about it now. Don't get me wrong...I can't wait to have you here with us but it doesn't change the fact that I'm getting really nervous. Not just about D-day but about being a mom. Another weird thing I did today was practice discipling you in Romanian! What is that all about? But getting a lecture really does sound better in Romanian if you ask me. Well, I guess that's enough panic talk for now...Just for the record Daddy wants me to add that the still an innie...SCORE!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Cousins and friends ready to meet you...

I got to thinking today how many little playmates little Charlotte is going to have. On my side alone, we've got Kyle (the ring leader and best baby sitter ever!), Ryan (the future inventor and clown of the family), Ezra (the little Romaniac), Amanda (our first princess), Baby Addisen (so well behaved and quiet), and now baby Spencer (just 2 days old and oh so cute!) Daddy's side--Landon (our little British accent boy) and Luke (cute as a button). You are all set...instant friends and playmates! Woo hoo! In addition to that--you've got little future friends--we've got Baby Alberico (might even be a boyfriend one day- ha ha), the neighbors Anthony and Ariana, Sheridan and Jordan, the Heapy boys (again...possible boyfriends) and many many more kids just popping out (literally) for you to play with. You lucky girl!!! It will be so fun to see you interact with all the different kids. I hope you're social like your mommy and daddy! :) I can't imagine you wouldn't be, but just in case me expressing it will make it happen--here I go in saying it...I hope you are friendly, well-adjusted, social, and a future story-teller like your mom!--Love you!

Monday, February 11, 2008

You bring us so much happiness!

I just want my little Charlotte to know how much happiness she brings her daddy and mommy. Her movements are a lot more often and a lot more visible these days and every time you give me a kick we crack up! Daddy and I go to work all day and when we come home and relax the Charlotte circus begins! It's like clockwork. Daddy comes home, we get comfy, have dinner and then I prop myself up in just the right postition and the "belly watching" begins. I have a feeling you're more of an Isai when it comes to personality. I say this because you don't like to perform on cue...something your mommy doesn't understand. Even when I try to get you to move, you let me know it doesn't work that way. But anyway--you are probably getting a little more cramped in there because you definitely are performing now whether or not it is by choice. So I just want you to know that we look forward to our evenings of being together and watching you move. We also daydream quite often about what our life will be like with you around and I must say we are just so excited to meet you. See you at tonight's performance!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Baby Express Class

This past Saturday Raresh and I attended a 6 hour workshop at Kaiser cramming in 3 different classes about babies. The three classes were:

  1. Day of Delivery and what to expect
  2. Breastfeeding
  3. Baby Care

Raresh and I arrive there promptly at 8:45am to check in. We notice that just like us there were many other couples in line with a infant size dolls or teddy bears. We knew we were in the right place and I was getting very excited. I also noticed that our doll (which Raresh was so sweet about getting the day before) was a little on the small side. But after much worrying about the doll being a realistic size we found it worked like a charm. A few couples had some massive dolls and teddy bears which made me feel even better about Raresh's selection. --Charlotte---your daddy got you your first doll! You'll love it. It comes with 2 diapers, a bottle and burping cloth.

Well, back to the class--our teacher begins with a "What to expect on D-day" type lecture. Things like signs of true labor, when to come to the hospital, what the room would be like, what you need to bring with you, what decisions do you need to make before having the baby and so forth. VERY Informative. She even showed us actual size drawings of what dialating to a 10 looks like---HOLY SMOKES. That was not my favorite part of the day.---However, I'm a tough chick and women have babies all the time. I'm sure I'll be okay---especially with Raresh by my side. He's so supportive, plus he's not a wuss when it comes to blood so we should be fine.

Next up---breastfeeding section--let's just say all the men were WIDE AWAKE for that section. Especially during the videos. I felt so immature cracking up at what engorged (horrible word) breasts look like. Can we say scary!? That was also the first time we got to use our dolls---they were there to help us practice different ways of holding the baby. Cross cradle and football holds seem to be the ones I like best-but what do I know? I wish you all could have seen us practice nursing dolls--too funny!

Finally--the last part was the baby care class. We learned how to bathe, change, and swaddle a baby. I feel so good about attending the class. We learned so much and I was encouraged to hear how much support and help Kaiser has to offer. For those pregnant or going to be pregnant...take the classes offered--you won't regret it!

Little Charlotte, can't wait to put all I've learned into practice and to finally hold you. See you in 13 weeks.