Monday, February 23, 2009

Charlotte and her buddies

This weekend Charlotte had 2 quick visits with her 2 best buds on the block--Arianna and Kayden. Here are some photos of the silly gals.
Arianna stopped by to see how Charlotte's doing. It's so hard to believe that these little kiddos will be 1 in about 2 months! Where has the time gone?
This one is my favorite...How cute...Charlotte has her hand on her back.
Then we stopped by to see Kayden. Kayden is so sweet and protective of Charlotte. Here she is watching her as she scoots by.

This one is my favorite from this visit. Look how sweet they both are? Charlotte was busy chewing on a part of Kayden's toy and she layed down next to her to keep her company.

It's so nice to have sweet little buddies that live so close and get along so well.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Today mommy feels better...

And because of that I thought it was time to post a few photos of you.
Those little smirks she makes crack me up!

And now here is a little video of my sweet baby responding to her name. Don't ask me why I chose the name Bianca---first name that came to mind. Funny.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down...

Dearest Charlotte,
Today mommy is sad. It seems like the last couple of days I've heard one sad thing after another. I've heard family and friends go through some really tough things and I don't know what to say. I'm filled with sadness, fear, anxiety and many other emotions. I have no idea how to comfort them. I can't think of anything to say that will really mean anything or even bring them comfort. It is an awful feeling. When I have days like this I immediately think of you and of how one day you'll grow up and you'll experience trouble, problems, and anxiety. There will be things you experience that I won't even know about. Things you'll keep from me because you don't know how to tell me, or how I'll react. The truth is...I shudder to think that you won't be able to share with me and that you'll go through things without my help. You need to know that you can tell me anything and I'll love you and I'll do everything in my power to help but in case you choose not to include me---there is one thing you need to know today---when I'm pretty certain you're not going through anything major---other than the pain and annoyance of teething.
Here it is...
I won't have all the answers. I may not know what to say to you or to my friends and family that are going through things that I would never want to experience---but I know someone who can help. Someone who has all the answers (even though they may not always be revealed) and that is our precious Father in heaven. He's the only one who can bring you comfort and He's the only one that will never fail you. Remember this verse, honey---remember this when you're all alone and when you're sad, scared, or anxious.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified. Do not be discouraged for the Lord, your God, will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)

There are not many things I can promise---but I can promise you that!

I love you my angel.


To my friends and family that are experiencing grief and sorrow (you know who you are)---I love you. I'm sorry I can't make it better. I'm sorry that you're going through this painful time but please remember and believe the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Kriss Kross will make ya JUMP JUMP!!

Charlotte having a grand ole' time in her jumper.

Weekend Update

Not much occurred this past weekend other than the usual. You know, some errands, chores, church, and some down time with Auntie Rachel (which always includes 3 things---Scrabble, some type of outdoor activitity--this weekend it was bike riding and roller blading, and watching bad reality TV and making fun of it.---DietTribe was the show we chose to rip to shreads---so easy to do.) Since I have no photos of the 3 things we did---here's some of Charlotte instead. Why not?

Rachel got her this little dress.
I think it was Friday night that I was enjoying a fudgsical and Charlotte seemed really interested in it. So I let her take a little taste. I think she likes it...what do you think?

Silly little baby.