Thursday, July 28, 2011

Griffin's First Birthday Luau

 A lot has happened since I last 2 vacations worth (seriously)--but I've been so busy with my family enjoying the days and the moments that blogging has taken a MAJOR back seat. Maybe one day, I'll get to posting some pictures from our trip to the Northwest and our Big Sur camping trip--but today I'll post some picctures from Griffin's first birthday. I can't believe it's been one whole YEAR since my sweet baby boy arrived. What a treasure God has blessed us with. Some quick stats...he's got 6 teeth that he got when he was 11 months old (5 in one shot). He is almost completely weened (THANK GOD!) and he's sleeping about 8 hours a night. Not bad...not bad at all!

The Isai Family
Sweet little babies


We are so grateful to have Griffin as a part of our family. I can't imagine my life without my little guy. Love you bunches sweet boy! I pray that we will have wisdom to raise you up to be a compasionate, kind, loving, funny, and intelligent man who loves the Lord and chooses to serve Him always.