Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy 2nd birthday my sweet Charlotte!!!

2 years ago around 8am...I had been a mother for about 6.5 hours. I don't remember exactly what I was doing right at 8am but I do know I was beaming with joy and excitement at the fact that I finally got to hold you in my arms. I remember Raresh and I would just look at you and at each other and smile. 2 years today---life is better than I expected. You are just the most amazing little girl. You're funny, smart, talented and so friendly. I couldn't have asked for a better package!

So Lord...I will never ever be able to express enough thanks and gratitude for this precious gift!

Charlotte Jane---Mommy and Daddy love you so much! Get ready for a terrific second year! The best present is yet to come. A playmate for life will be arriving in about 3 months.
Happy Birthday!

I love you!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Happy birthday, Charlotte!