Thursday, September 23, 2010's been a while

Hi guys! I's been too long and I should have my priorities straight...but blog suffers.

Life is still busy...still crazy...but I love it!

The latest thing going on is that both my kiddos are sick and the timing is as always IMPECCABLE!!! Tomorrow is the first day of MOPS (moms of preschoolers) group and Sunday is our little Griffin's dedication and both the kids are sick!!! I'm so annoyed.

Also the hubby is officially back at work and that has kinda turned us upside down. Not because I can't do it on my own, but because he works that means he sleeps during the day and we need to try and keep quiet! Do you know how impossible that is? He uses earplugs and stuff but still---that cleaning until he's up and doing everything and anything possible to get the kids out of the house for a few hours. that's my sob story. And what helps a sob story turn into a bright story...some pictures of my sweet babies.

All dressed up for church and brushing our teeth of course!
Her messy look.
Mr. Griffin---so sweet! And my two little doubt their related!


Unknown said...

I feel your pain girl but sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Your children are so adorable, but you already knew that.

Michelle said...

WHAT? Your blog is not your priority? I will pray for you.


It is good to see new photos and hear that all is well in Isai land!

It is hard to have grooms gone - when D was a coach, working two jobs and going to school I felt like a single mom. But it was for a short period and we knew there was an end and we made it through.

The Lord knew you had it in you to press on - that is a compliment!

I am glad you got to go to MOPS ... they need you!