Monday, June 2, 2008

Our little 30's flapper (This entry is for Luanne)

Luanne--Charlotte wanted to thank you for holding her and taking such good care of her at Lori's shower. Also, since that head decor was a group favorite...I thought it would be most appropriate to include the pictures that feature Charlotte with her flapper head band.
Okay and this kid has got some Betty Davis eyes.


Lindsay Marie said...

My mom is totally in love with Charlotte!! She called me this morning to make sure that I read your newest blog... and she never calls me in the morning!
So I want to say a big thank you to you for posting very funny and super cute pictures of your little one for her too see. Maybe it'll get her off my back, at least for a little while!

Linda said...

Glad to hear I'm buying you and Jason a little time with the blog but some how I don't think pictures on a blog are gonna appease your mom for much longer. Get to it missy. ha ha