Yep...I turned 30 today and received the best present ever! A new son 3 days ago.
I want to make sure I document the labor experience the way I did for Charlotte. Basically, my water broke at home around 3:15am--we called my friend Colleen to come over until my best friend Rachel could arrive to take care of Charlotte until my parents could come the next day at 12
ish. ( took 3 different people to care for Charlotte...--that's the beauty of living about an hour away from family).
We got to Kaiser
Lakeview in about 20 minutes only to find that I was only
dilated at 2cm and my contractions were so all over the place that once again I had to get on
Potosin to get things going. This time however, I got the Epidural shortly after the
Potosin was given numbing me beyond belief. I relaxed, watched COPS while labor got harder--well at least that's what the monitors were saying. I felt nothing. NOTHING. About 8 hours later...the nurse came in telling me I'm at an 8---and will be at a 10 very soon and will need to be ready to push. About 1/2 hour later...the delivery crew came in to tell me it's time. The male midwife told me he would like me to push laying on my side...with my leg up...(okay buddy...whatever you say)---3 very effortless pushes son was plopped on my chest. Then the crying began. I was
sooo emotional right away. Not like with Charlotte--where I was in total shock until the next day.
A few things I want to make sure I document:
1. My
anesthesiologist was half drunk...I'm sure. He was trying so hard to get my mind off of the pain of getting the epidural (which for the record, didn't hurt at all last time) this time it was bad...which also leads me to think---he was not quite all there. BUT I'm thankful for him and for his lovely drug---which made baby number 2's arrival---smooth sailing.
2. I had an adorable little Indian nurse Mini. I loved her and her accent. She told me I was
sooo nice and that she loved taking care of me. How cute is that?
3. My male midwife, was awesome and after he delivered Griffin so quickly he said and I quote, "Are you ready to deliver the ugly twin"---meaning the placenta!
Raresh was busting up while I think I threw up a little. I actually wanted to see the placenta this time around. Let me just say...once in my lifetime is more than enough!
4. After the birth...a little Asian nurse took over and asked if I could try to stand to go to the restroom--I was a little doubtful that I could stand right away but I tried...and
bam...fell straight to the ground, and of course the little Asian had no business trying to pick me up. I'm glad
Raresh was there to save me.
5. I got to
facebook, watch Cops, and play Words with Friends through my entire labor. I love AMERICA!
Well...folks...that's my labor in nutshell and that's the way I will always remember turning the big 3-0!!!