Thursday, February 28, 2008
Mommy misses her wedding ring.
Daddy painted mommy's toenails...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Daddy's thoughts via mommy's writing---
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Only 11 more weeks to go...
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Cousins and friends ready to meet you...
Monday, February 11, 2008
You bring us so much happiness!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Baby Express Class
This past Saturday Raresh and I attended a 6 hour workshop at Kaiser cramming in 3 different classes about babies. The three classes were:
- Day of Delivery and what to expect
- Breastfeeding
- Baby Care
Raresh and I arrive there promptly at 8:45am to check in. We notice that just like us there were many other couples in line with a infant size dolls or teddy bears. We knew we were in the right place and I was getting very excited. I also noticed that our doll (which Raresh was so sweet about getting the day before) was a little on the small side. But after much worrying about the doll being a realistic size we found it worked like a charm. A few couples had some massive dolls and teddy bears which made me feel even better about Raresh's selection. --Charlotte---your daddy got you your first doll! You'll love it. It comes with 2 diapers, a bottle and burping cloth.
Well, back to the class--our teacher begins with a "What to expect on D-day" type lecture. Things like signs of true labor, when to come to the hospital, what the room would be like, what you need to bring with you, what decisions do you need to make before having the baby and so forth. VERY Informative. She even showed us actual size drawings of what dialating to a 10 looks like---HOLY SMOKES. That was not my favorite part of the day.---However, I'm a tough chick and women have babies all the time. I'm sure I'll be okay---especially with Raresh by my side. He's so supportive, plus he's not a wuss when it comes to blood so we should be fine.
Next up---breastfeeding section--let's just say all the men were WIDE AWAKE for that section. Especially during the videos. I felt so immature cracking up at what engorged (horrible word) breasts look like. Can we say scary!? That was also the first time we got to use our dolls---they were there to help us practice different ways of holding the baby. Cross cradle and football holds seem to be the ones I like best-but what do I know? I wish you all could have seen us practice nursing dolls--too funny!
Finally--the last part was the baby care class. We learned how to bathe, change, and swaddle a baby. I feel so good about attending the class. We learned so much and I was encouraged to hear how much support and help Kaiser has to offer. For those pregnant or going to be pregnant...take the classes offered--you won't regret it!
Little Charlotte, can't wait to put all I've learned into practice and to finally hold you. See you in 13 weeks.