Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Cousins and friends ready to meet you...

I got to thinking today how many little playmates little Charlotte is going to have. On my side alone, we've got Kyle (the ring leader and best baby sitter ever!), Ryan (the future inventor and clown of the family), Ezra (the little Romaniac), Amanda (our first princess), Baby Addisen (so well behaved and quiet), and now baby Spencer (just 2 days old and oh so cute!) Daddy's side--Landon (our little British accent boy) and Luke (cute as a button). You are all set...instant friends and playmates! Woo hoo! In addition to that--you've got little future friends--we've got Baby Alberico (might even be a boyfriend one day- ha ha), the neighbors Anthony and Ariana, Sheridan and Jordan, the Heapy boys (again...possible boyfriends) and many many more kids just popping out (literally) for you to play with. You lucky girl!!! It will be so fun to see you interact with all the different kids. I hope you're social like your mommy and daddy! :) I can't imagine you wouldn't be, but just in case me expressing it will make it happen--here I go in saying it...I hope you are friendly, well-adjusted, social, and a future story-teller like your mom!--Love you!

1 comment: said...

Romaniac! Oh wow, that better be the name of your first born son!

It sounds like our little boy is going to be big pimping around all these girls! LUCKY!