Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A great weekend filled with some major milestones!

We had a very very busy weekend.
On Friday, we celebrated my friend Jayme's birthday at Matsu Restaurant in Huntington Beach. The sushi was very yummy and we had a great time. Because Jayme hates photos...I'll only include 2 of her on the blog. (one is a group shot...so it doesn't count!) Happy Birthday Jayme! Here's to many many more birthdays!
I just love this man so much.Rachel and I realized we didn't take a photo at the restaurant...so we thought...hey, better late than never. Here she is sitting in Charlotte's humongo car seat...(ha ha)
Saturday, we went to Chris and Stephanie's wedding. What a beautiful wedding that was. We all had a wonderful time celebrating their commitment to one another. God Bless you guys! Unfortunately, I did not get many photos of them. I think I was just so excited to spend time alone with Raresh that the happy couple...kinda slipped my mind. Oh well...
Sunday, we went to Temecula to visit some friends. It was such a nice day for a drive and then a great day to BBQ. Charlotte was not with us on Friday night or at the wedding so it was so great to take her along to Temecula. We missed our little pumpkin.
Boy oh boy did she love playing in that fountain.In this picture you can see, she's totally over the crawling on her knees stage. That didn't last long at all. She now does this weird let me walk on my hands and feet thing.I'm glad she was with us that day cause while in Temecula she got---HER FIRST TOOTH!!! Bottom left. I know...some of you parents out there are thinking...she's going to be 1 in a week and she just got her first tooth?---Yes it is true...her first tooth. It's actually quite fitting...1 tooth for her 1st birthday! Awwwww. I'll try to get a picture of her tooth up on the blog as soon as possible. She's not quite interested in letting me get a good look at it so it's been very difficult to get a photo of it. We've been dealing with on and off teething issues for months so it's so nice to finally see that little pearly white peeking through.

The other major milestone happened yesterday April, 20th. She took her first steps!!! This little girl is now officially on the move! She's of course very stumbly and all over the place but she's getting the hang of it and very quickly! I'll post a video of that soon.
Overall, we had a great weekend.


http://alberico.net said...

Hoorah Charo!

Rachel said...

She's so adorable and I can't wait to celebrate her birthday! And yea for the first tooth!!

Anonymous said...

As long as she doesn't keep up the one tooth per year pacing, she'll do great! :)