Sunday, May 25, 2008

All better

I just wanted to thank everyone for praying for little Charlotte to feel better. The last couple of days have been wonderful. I am happy to report that she is all better. I haven't had to give her any gas drops either. Woo hoo. Also, I'd like to add that she has started to take a pacifier which I really didn't want to use BUT--because of this little secret weapon she sleeps 5-6 hours a night. I'm the newest fan of the pacifier. It's also hysterical to see it in her mouth. It covers half her face. You may not believe this just by looking at it (because the darn thing looks huge)---but it is indeed a newborn size one.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Is it cruel to post a video of your baby crying?

Well not to fear...she's only crying a little bit. This is not a true cry from our little sweetie pie. Trust me it can get a lot worse but what this video does provide is audio of her famous squeak.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Charlotte during happier times

We have had some challenges with little Charlotte these last couple of days. Poor baby has had some really bad gas. Her tummy gets so hard and she looks so uncomfortable. I feel so bad because there is nothing I can do to ease her pain. We've tried the Mylacon (sp?) drops (they work a little I guess), we've tried warm baths, changing her position--it seems like we've tried everything. I've even cut out all dairy products for now because I'm pretty certain that is what is contributing to it. Do any of you realize how many foods have dairy in them? It's crazy! Or maybe I just love the foods that are dairy based. Anyway--she seemed to be better and then today I had eggs---I think I'll have to cut that out next. Geez Louise, I'm down to bread and water. Please pray for us--I don't know how much longer we can go on like this.

Here is my first attempt at adding a video clip to the blog of Charlotte during happier times (she doesn't look very happy but she wasn't crying so she was at least comfortable). Oh how I want those days back.

If you think of it--please say a prayer for Charlotte. She needs to feel better soon. If she doens't feel better it's only a matter of time before mommy and daddy hit the looney bin. Thanks.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I can hear the Lawrence Welk cast singing now...

Good night, sleep tight and pleasant dreams to you
Here's a wish and prayer that every dream comes true
And though it's always sweet sorrow to part
I know you'll always remain in my heart
Good night, sleep tight and pleasant dreams to you
Here's a wish and a prayer that every dream comes true
And now 'til we meet again

Adios, au revior, auf weidersehen.....Good Night!

Many of you may not have any clue about this little song that played on the Lawrence Welk show--but when you grow up with Romanian parents---Lawrence Welk is a familiar name!

I dedicate this little song to all of you out there in honor of my sweet little Charlotte who slept 6 uninterrupted hours last night allowing me and daddy to truly have a wonderful night's rest. Oh how I hope this wasn't a fluke but the beginning of a wonderful pattern.

We'll see how it goes tonight.
Also, here are 2 pictures of her in some of her little outfits. (there are very few that fit her)
First one was on Mother's day. So stinking cute!

This second photo is of her in her little sack outfit. I know I'm just a tad biased but she is just adorable!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

First Bath

Today we were able to give Charlotte her first official bath because that darn umbilical cord thingie finally fell off. Woo hoo---the sponge baths were working okay but both mommy and daddy were eager to give her a real honest to goodness bath. It was quite an adventure. First we tried to use her bath time seat and as you can see from the photos below that didn't turn out too well. We expected she would be miserable during her first bath but we didn't expect...

POOP! Below you can see our little surprise. Not to worry-- Mommy and daddy acted quickly. We drained the water out of the tub---cleaned everything off and tried the follow idea.
Option 2 involved using her little inflatable tub---that worked a little better.
See how alert she is. It looks like she is starting to like this.
She seemed to be getting used to the feeling of the water and was doing great. I see a future swimmer in our midst.
Then I was able to get a quick shot of her in her little towel. She was done by the end of the whole production.

A few notes about her first bath--first off---it was wayyy to hectic. We had too many accessories we wanted to use and we tried to make it fun by putting her in out big tub. Next time, we will use her bathroom which has a much smaller tub and I think it will work much better.

For those of you wondering why Raresh is playing Mr. Mom and why I'm not the one getting my hands wet and dirty giving her a bath--well, let's just say, Mommy has her issues right now and Daddy is being very helpful. Also, we all know that I'll be doing most of the baths anyway so it's nice for him to help out when he can.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Our little giraffe

Charlotte is not too happy about this outfit but in this first picture she seems to be thinking, "What's up with that?" The gang signs are in full force.

I mean it Mommy---take this hat off or I will!

I hate this outfit!!!


Whew---finally, the hat is off and I can sleep!

Hi all--life is still great and Charlotte is still a great little baby. Our biggest challenge right now is getting her to understand that night time is sleep time and day time is awake time. Poor little baby has got that all mixed up. We're taking the advice of many mothers out there and we are waking her up more during the day to get her on a better sleep pattern--- I feel like a wicked step mother when I wake her but I must say it does seem to be working. Yesterday night we got a full 4 hours of solid sleep. It was from 10pm to 2am. From 2am on--it was still somewhat challenging but we're getting there! We're hoping tonight will be better. Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 5, 2008

She already talks with her hands...

This picture says--"Thank you Lord for my wonderful mommy and daddy. They are doing a great job with me!"

This one can say a number of things---We'll just say she's either gonna "raise the roof" or really love football. Touch Down!!!

This picture definitely shows her exploring her chola side--"DoNT Be mESsInG wIT mY MOm!"

And this one is---"Hmm what shall I do today?--Perhaps have a spot of tea out side by the garden with mummy."

One week old

Today Charlotte turns 1 week old! She's growing up sooo fast! My first week as a mom has been absolutely wonderful. I can't begin to describe the feelings that I've experienced this past week. I've been super excited, happy, energetic, confident, and BLESSED---extremely BLESSED!!! Raresh and I could stare at her for hours and we kind of do. We are very fortunate to have a very low maintenance baby---she's not fussy or difficult. She's actually quite the little communicator---(she gets that from me of course)---she already knows how to let me know what she needs--once she gets it--she's quiet and peaceful again. Thank you God! Raresh has also been amazing. He's been helping around the house, cooking, cleaning, and waking up with me to offer support and conversation in the middle of the night. I don't think I would be doing as good as I am if it were not for him and his company. He's been so reassuring and encouraging. (Thank you sweetie---you make me want to get pregnant all over again!---well not quite yet---but I'm definitely sold for baby 2).
Being a mom to Charlotte and wife to Raresh has been the best two jobs in my entire life!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I'm Daisy Crazy--do you blame me?

Here are a few photos from Charlotte's 4th day! We are having so much fun with our little squeaker. That's what we call her because she doesn't really cry--she squeaks. It is soooo cute. I can't wait for Gina and Lori to have their babies because little squeaker is ready to meet them and show them both the ropes!
Here she is in her little daisy outfit. The shoes are a little big but she's a girlie girl and she had to have matching shoes. Mommy completely understands that.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

A little time with mommy

Here are some photos of the Isai gals!

Beanie Babies

Here are my two little beanie babies. Aren't they cute?

My new little family

Hi all---sorry for not updating the blog a little sooner. I'm sure you can all understand why. Here is a little taste of what's been on my mind. First off--I've already changed so much. Case and point---I swore I would never post a picture of me in that horrid hospital gown, without make up and without my fake hair piece (yes I did bring my crazy wiglet to the hospital but I couldn't bring myself to putting it on---I was certain the nurses would think I've lost my mind.) ---and looky here...what am I wearing but that lovely moo moo! Second, my hospital experience was truly an adventure (surprised??? probably not!)--I had excellent care and a wonderful support system. Raresh was great! Not once did I want him to shut up or get away. He was cracking me up (once I had the drugs of course---nothing was funny before then.) He also has said that he was surprised at how great I did. I mean anyone who knows me would say I'm quite the drama queen and he was happily surprised at how calm and cool I was through it all. Finally--one more quick thought and then I'm off to catch a little shut eye---Anyone out there still not completely convinced to get the Epidural---let me just say, "Don't be stupid--get the darn thing. No one will think less of you if you do get that glorious drug and I can guarantee you---no one will think more of you if you choose to be in pain. I realize there are circumstances when you can't get the drug in time or something but if you willingly choose to suffer---well then, you're just weird!

Thank you all for you love and support. I've got some great pictures that I'll download later.

Did I even mention how good little Charlotte is? She's seriously a very easy baby so far. I know you're easy can she be when you're up at like 4am writing---but trust me---if I had a fussy baby--the blog would probably never get updated.

She also looks like daddy and he's quite proud of his little girl.

Nighty night--for a couple of hours anyway.

Guess who's finally arrived???

No surprise that she came early...She's an Isai and we're all extremely punctual!

No words can describe this feeling of motherhood. She's absolutely beautiful and such a good baby. Here are her details below.

Charlotte Jane Isai

Arrived April 28, 2008

at 1:29am

6 pounds 12 oz

20 inches long