Thursday, May 15, 2008

I can hear the Lawrence Welk cast singing now...

Good night, sleep tight and pleasant dreams to you
Here's a wish and prayer that every dream comes true
And though it's always sweet sorrow to part
I know you'll always remain in my heart
Good night, sleep tight and pleasant dreams to you
Here's a wish and a prayer that every dream comes true
And now 'til we meet again

Adios, au revior, auf weidersehen.....Good Night!

Many of you may not have any clue about this little song that played on the Lawrence Welk show--but when you grow up with Romanian parents---Lawrence Welk is a familiar name!

I dedicate this little song to all of you out there in honor of my sweet little Charlotte who slept 6 uninterrupted hours last night allowing me and daddy to truly have a wonderful night's rest. Oh how I hope this wasn't a fluke but the beginning of a wonderful pattern.

We'll see how it goes tonight.
Also, here are 2 pictures of her in some of her little outfits. (there are very few that fit her)
First one was on Mother's day. So stinking cute!

This second photo is of her in her little sack outfit. I know I'm just a tad biased but she is just adorable!


Rachel said...

6 hours?!?! Way to go CJ...keep it up!

Team Parks: Jason and Kristin said...

There's a bronze statue of Lawrence Welk in Escondido. I promise.