Monday, May 19, 2008

Charlotte during happier times

We have had some challenges with little Charlotte these last couple of days. Poor baby has had some really bad gas. Her tummy gets so hard and she looks so uncomfortable. I feel so bad because there is nothing I can do to ease her pain. We've tried the Mylacon (sp?) drops (they work a little I guess), we've tried warm baths, changing her position--it seems like we've tried everything. I've even cut out all dairy products for now because I'm pretty certain that is what is contributing to it. Do any of you realize how many foods have dairy in them? It's crazy! Or maybe I just love the foods that are dairy based. Anyway--she seemed to be better and then today I had eggs---I think I'll have to cut that out next. Geez Louise, I'm down to bread and water. Please pray for us--I don't know how much longer we can go on like this.

Here is my first attempt at adding a video clip to the blog of Charlotte during happier times (she doesn't look very happy but she wasn't crying so she was at least comfortable). Oh how I want those days back.

If you think of it--please say a prayer for Charlotte. She needs to feel better soon. If she doens't feel better it's only a matter of time before mommy and daddy hit the looney bin. Thanks.

3 comments: said...

You are a TECH queen!

I still have a small clip of lori holding charlotte from when we visited i'll put up soon for you.

I feel for her gas pain... I will pray for her to feel relief and for you guys to get more sleepy time.

Raluca said...

Poor thing. I'm sure you've gotten a TON of advice on what to do so I won't give you any...I'll just pray & get you some ear plugs. I do hear that after the 3rd month or so, that goes away.

I love the video btw. You'll have to tell me how you did that.

Natalie said...

I know I hate having gas and I know what's wrong, I can't imagine what little Charlotte feels like wondering... Why the heck does my tummy hurt so much?! I'll pray for comfort.