Sunday, May 25, 2008

All better

I just wanted to thank everyone for praying for little Charlotte to feel better. The last couple of days have been wonderful. I am happy to report that she is all better. I haven't had to give her any gas drops either. Woo hoo. Also, I'd like to add that she has started to take a pacifier which I really didn't want to use BUT--because of this little secret weapon she sleeps 5-6 hours a night. I'm the newest fan of the pacifier. It's also hysterical to see it in her mouth. It covers half her face. You may not believe this just by looking at it (because the darn thing looks huge)---but it is indeed a newborn size one.


Lori said...

Yay for sleep!

I am soooooo not opposed to these little life savers, there's a reason as to why they are so popular!

Now... if little Charo is walking around with one hanging out of her mouth at, say, 3... then we'll have a little chat. said...
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johnsonandjohnson said...

that is the ONLY kind that Emily will take and I remember how funny she looked with it covering her face like that....but hey, at least she likes it!

P.s. what was wrong?

Linda said...

Jennifer--she had such bad gas last week that she wasn't sleeping good and her eating wasn't very good either. She is feeling much much better now. Thank God.