Monday, July 21, 2008

First day back at work

Well, black Monday came and went and I survived. It was horrible but I survived. I wanted to thank all of my family and friends for the thoughts and prayers they sent my way. It meant the world to me to know that you're all supporting me and encouraging me. I felt the Lord's presence with me all day. I really did. I was calm and very collected (much much better than I thought I would be) and I know that all the feelings of peace came from the Lord. I missed her like crazy but I pressed on. Only those moms that have to return to work will ever understand this feeling. Those of you that get to stay at home, cherish it---I know the days are long and it gets lonely or frustrating. I know that some of you long for "adult time"-- but remember is definitely adult time but not my favorite kind. It's so hard to be away from your child and not being able to comfort them if they need it. Sure I'm blessed that family is watching Charlotte but I still want to be the one to do it. I'm sure it will get easier but right now--the thought of tomorrow makes me cringe. Please keep me in your prayers. I don't want to limit God's power--He can change my situation at any time. I have faith that it will all work out. It always does.

I love you baby Charlotte and you were greatly missed today!!!

1 comment:

johnsonandjohnson said...

I am glad the first day back was successful....You did better than me! I was somewhat okay for 2 days and then LOST IT on the 3rd!