Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Little blue dress

Charlie got a very cute dress from my cousins in Texas when she was born that she just now fits into. I love these gifts that keep giving. I remember opening the present...seeing this dress and thinking "This is so Bohemian! This is so cute!" I couldn't wait for her to be old enough to wear it. Well, that time came and boy did it come quick. Of course, I had to get a picture of her wearing it because I'm sure just as quickly as she grew into it...she'll grow out of it.

Of course, my little Charlie was not in a picture taking mood---but I got a few that are decent.

We need to incude the back view (of course)And...we're done...And seconds later...we're all better. Funny how quickly the water works come on and off. Oh dear, already the drama!


johnsonandjohnson said...

Can I have that dress? Super cute! I love her hair too. Isn't crazy how fast they grow up? It's overwhelming sometimes. Emily is a little chatter box and I just think how different it was even a month ago!

Emily definitely knows how to turn on the drama to see if she'll get what she wants....I'm afraid, that as mothers to girls, we may never get a reprieve. Oiy!

Anonymous said...

Charlotte rocks those mini-pigtails.